If all you have to offer is sex you are in big trouble

At first I was reluctant to write about such a topic as this, but as you can read, I finally gave it a shot. Please understand that I am no sex expert nor do I claim to be. Just read this entry, think about it, and by all means make comments. Let’s get started…
Sex is everywhere: on television, on the Internet, even on the magazine racks in the grocery stores. In my opinion, this is a great problem! Sex is such a problem today until television rating go down if they don’t show the stuff. We have become blind to what is taking shape as a result of what’s displayed. Now let’s shift to the relationship portion of sex…
Many of us present everything right up front; we hop right into sexual activities without sometimes knowing each other’s names. This is sad but true! In addition, we fail to realize that if we both engaged in this type of behavior, mostly bad things could surface.
Sex in relationships; if you don’t remember anything else, remember this, “If all you have to offer is sex you are in big trouble.” Don’t get me wrong, sex is ok in its proper place, its part of life. Believe it or not if sex in a relationship is the bulk of your motivation, you will be forever disappointed. It’s much more important to find the one who will love you for you first, and then the sex will really take shape. Some of you may say that’s not me, I would say that’s the painted picture. You see if sex isn’t the motivation, why when the significant other run around and see other people, they are still received as if nothing happened? They must be doing something right. I viewed something today that just confirmed what I’m saying – a case with a girl dating a guy who also has two other girls, the both of them know of each other, and this girl, they were ok with it. To top it all off, two of the three girls had children by this guy. What bothered me about that entire process were the women, and their knowledge of this person’s activity. To sum it up, all of them were ok with it! Ladies listen to me for a moment, you have the power, and it’s just that you’re unaware of how to use it. In addition to that, your teacher didn’t know how to use it. Don’t share any man, he’s not worth it, and your children are watching how this work, and will follow in your foot steps. So, remember the lives you’re impacting. Don’t get me wrong, all of us arrive in bad relationships, it’s about what are we learning after the fact. Let me speak to the men for a moment…
Our sons and daughters are the recipients of our actions, why can’t we stop just for a moment and realize the impact of what we doing. I happened to be eating in a fast food restaurant where two young ladies were talking about dating; one young lady stated that her father who apparently didn’t currently stay with them indicated that he didn’t want her to date a certain guy – her response was he is a big w@#$e himself, and he want to tell me. My point is proven! Men, if we even care or desire to win our children and shown them how it’s done, we need to start making a commitment to our lady (not ladies).
To bring this to a close, can we all see that this sex thing is causing major problems? It’s like placing one round in the chamber of a pistol, spinning the holder, and pulling the trigger; its just a matter of time before it take a life. In addition, when a life is taken, many lives are impacted as a result of it. Let me know if I’m wrong or just put me in my place.
Proverbs 1 (New Living Translation)
20. Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square.
21. She calls to the crowds along the main street, to those gathered in front of the city gate:
22. “How long, you simpletons, will you insist on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools hate knowledge?
23. Come and listen to my counsel. I’ll share my heart with you and make you wise.
24. “I called you so often, but you wouldn’t come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention.
25. You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered.
Blessings to all!
Thank you for this post. I was rudely awakened when I learned that children as young as 6 years old are concerned with "being sexy." All the imagery on the news stands and billboards teaches that sex is freedom, sex is expected in a relationship and that sex is a way to get close to someone. Our girls learn that it's the way to keep a man and our boys learn that it's a way to impress women. We don't see public service announcements about it like we do tobacco and other drugs. We see PSAs about AIDS but not sex; teen pregnancy but not sex. Our children need to learn early on that sex matters to the spirit, not just the body.
Wow!!! "We don't see public service announcements about it like we do tobacco and other drugs. We see PSAs about AIDS but not sex; teen pregnancy but not sex. Our children need to learn early on that sex matters to the spirit, not just the body."
Thank you for your wonderful comments. I'm going to capture your remarks. Blessings to you!
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